are among the most elusive and powerful of all Pokmon. Nineteen legendary Pokmon are parttype and eight have legendary-like stats (akapseudo-legendary).
They are notoriously difficult to train due to requiring more EXP points per level than most non-legendary Pokmon, and the fact they evolve much later means they are in their weaker forms for longer. Interestingly, many final-evolutionDragontypes have a 4x weakness to the Ice type.
InGenerations 1-3, allDragontype moves were categorized as Special.
moves are not very effective against:
These types are not very effective against
These types are super-effective against
This chart shows the strength of theDragontype against every type combination. The fraction of damage aDragontype move will deal is shown – means 50% damage (not very effective), 2 means 200% (super-effective) and so on.
The power of Dragon type moves is reduced by 50% when the target is on the ground andMisty Terrainis active.
The abilityDragons Mawincreases the power of Dragon type moves by 50%.
The itemsDraco PlateandDragon Fangincrease the power of Dragon type moves by 20% when held.
TheDragon Gemincreases the power of a Dragon type move by 30% when held, and is then consumed.
TheHaban Berry, when held, neutralizes a super-effective Dragon type move.
Soul Dewboosts Psychic and Dragon type attacks by 20% when held byLatiasorLatios.
Adamant OrbLustrous OrbandGriseous Orbboost Dragon type attacks by 20% when held byDialgaPalkiaorGiratinarespectively.
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